Volunteer patrollers of Mt. Baw Baw Alpine Resort

About Mt. Baw Baw Ski Patrol

The role of the Ski Patrol is to keep Mt Baw Baw as safe a place as possible and to deal with any incidents that may occur on the ski slopes.  Our daily duties include:

  • Ensuring the slopes are safe for guests every morning
  • Providing First Aid to injured guests and transporting them to the Medical First Aid Station if necessary
  • Promoting snow-sport safety by marking hazards and discouraging dangerous behavior
  • Ensuring all guests are safely off the slopes and cross country trails at the end of each day
  • Participate in search and rescue operations if and when the need arises

During the week, a small team of full-time patrollers maintain this service, but on weekends, the service is provided largely by volunteers.  In order to continue to provide a high quality service to the guests of Mt Baw Baw, we are constantly in the need of new recruits to join our volunteer team.